Whether your business is planning for energy-efficient upgrades or just looking for ways to save on your energy usage, the Agriculture Program from Dominion Energy can help you increase your energy efficiency.
The Agriculture Energy Efficiency program is designed to increase savings for the unique needs of farming, greenhouses or livestock. The program offers rebate incentives to eligible Dominion Energy customers for installing high efficiency agricultural equipment, lighting, and more.
Through this program, you’ll also have access to our knowledgeable network of equipment vendors and contractors associated with the agricultural industry.
Opportunities to improve energy efficiency may include:
- High Volume, Low Speed Fans
- Automatic Milker Take Off
- Low Pressure Irrigation
- Irrigation Pump VFD
- Dairy Plate Cooler
- Dairy Lighting Controls
- Poultry LED
- Poultry House Fan VFD
- Ventilation and Circulation Fans
- Dust Collection System Fan VFD
- Tobacco Curing Fan VFD
- Grain Storage Aeration Fan Controls
- Greenhouse Ventilation Fan VFD
Let Savings Grow: How a Nonprofit Built an Energy Efficient Greenhouse
Saving energy at your agriculture business is easy with Dominion Energy's Energy Conservation Programs. Hear from the Healthy Harvest Fresh team's story.
Let Savings Grow: How a Nonprofit Built an Energy Efficient Greenhouse
Participation Benefits
Reduce System Waste
More efficient use of your equipment systems, reducing system waste
Save on Your Energy Expenses
Upgraded equipment reduces energy use and helps you save on your energy expenses
Financial Incentives
Potential incentives can help offset cost for installing recommended improvements
Please review additional requirements through the Program’s Terms & Conditions for the state of Virginia. By participating in this program, you are signifying your agreement.
You must complete an Initial Assessment prior to beginning work to reserve the rebate funding and ensure your improvements will qualify.
Please allow up to 90 days from the date all required information is received to process your rebate. Payment will be issued to the account holder and mailing address on record with Dominion Energy – unless the customer has authorized the rebate to be paid to the contractor.
It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that all requirements for the rebate are met. Failure to provide any of the required information will delay the processing of your application and could result in non-payment.
Upon submission of your rebate by your selected contractor, an email will be sent to the email address provided on the rebate form confirming the rebate has been submitted for processing. If you have questions, please call 1-888-366-8280.
Please review additional requirements through the Program’s Terms & Conditions for the state of Virginia. By participating in this program, you are signifying your agreement.
You must complete an Initial Assessment prior to beginning work to reserve the rebate funding and ensure your improvements will qualify.
Please allow up to 90 days from the date all required information is received to process your rebate. Payment will be issued to the account holder and mailing address on record with Dominion Energy – unless the customer has authorized the rebate to be paid to the contractor.
It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that all requirements for the rebate are met. Failure to provide any of the required information will delay the processing of your application and could result in non-payment.
Upon submission of your rebate by your selected contractor, an email will be sent to the email address provided on the rebate form confirming the rebate has been submitted for processing. If you have questions, please call 1-888-366-8280.
Check out our list of approved design firms and general contractors
Check out list of approved Agriculture Program contractors
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Check out the list of approved Building Automation Program contractors
Check out the list of approved Existing Building Automation and Controls Program contractors

This program is currently building and training its contractor network.
Please contact the program coordinator for personalized advice on next steps.
Need help getting started?
Our program coordinator would love to chat with you. You can expect to hear back in 1 to 2 business days.

Check out our list of approved contractors
Take the stress out of finding a contractor with our approved contractor list